Thursday, December 30, 2010

the gingerbread man

Tony and his mom have a long standing tradition of making gingerbread houses and for the past 2 years he has made her one for Christmas. Check it out.

 I'm trying to convince him to teach some classes next year. Anyone want to sign up???

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

the SMILE capture

 Best feature of the new camera is the SMILE capture!! It can detect when Matty smiles...magic!

 Notice that he has to be in his high chair to capture him sitting still! 
"Matty the Mover" is on the move! He is starting to take small steps and getting pretty confident with standing.

We tried to capture some pics of (Honey) Bear with Matty to send to some of Gma Patty's friends. 
Bear LOVES Matty, which proves that a little bit of Gma Patty will always be with us.

Christmas 2010

No. Santa did NOT bring me a minivan for Christmas....but a girl can still dream?
"Santa" did help make one of this mama's dreams come true with a NEW CAMERA, so I have officially entered life as a MAMARAZZI!

I took over 60 pics of little man on Christmas night!

  And then I got some action pics of our forced family fun with "headbands" until the Lithuanian liquor (yikes) kicked in and the camera was taken away. 

and will there be a minivan in this "mamarazzis future"??? You better believe it!!!