Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Matty the Mover

I think we can officially say Matty the Mover is walking!   

 The tongue comes out anytime he has to focus on something. 
Any predictions on how he'll shoot a free throw someday?

 His smart trike has been a big hit too. He can't wait to test it out on the sidewalks and grunt for mommy to push faster.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sporty Girl Jewelry: Your Word - 2011 *GIVEAWAY!*

Sporty Girl Jewelry: Your Word - 2011 *GIVEAWAY!*: "If 2010 had come with a road sign, this would have been it. There were a lot of twists & turns, hills & valleys. Normally I don't m..."

Hmmm...one word? That's hard.
It's got to be....CHERISH...
as my baby boy is growing way too fast and will be one in Feb, along with dreams of more kiddos, more quality time with my Tony, and balancing work with a healthy lifesyle...I will CHERISH every special moment with my little man, my family/friends, and those few minutes early in the morning where I get "me time" with a work-out.
What is your word?